15 November 2012

daily joy and appreciation.

Can you believe it's already Thanksgiving next week? It seems like this morning I was looking in the mirror to fix my cap and gown. Anyways, I recently reread a book that was given to me a while back titled, "Politically Incorrect Secrets for Getting Through College" written by Dr. Nicole Radziwill. As a gift to all students everywhere, Dr. Radziwill provides a link to the free pdf ebook!

Stated in the title, the book provides secrets for getting through college in a funny, smart, and motivational way. I enjoyed the book because it gave me a new perspective on things. The cool part about the book is that these secrets can be applied at anytime. I'm happy that I stumbled across this book again because now I have the politically incorrect secrets for getting through post-grad life :)

Dr. Radziwill explains a three-point plan for success and making your dreams come true. One of these points says to choose a daily joy and appreciation. I'd like to share my daily joy and appreciation with you all!

While taking a drive today, I got to relax and really enjoy this sunset! It was so peaceful that I had to dangerously pull out my phone for a picture. My appreciation for today is dedicated to Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik, a blog that's all about decision-making and web analytics. 

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